
type definition:

type TermInt = Term<PInt> & {
    readonly addTerm:       TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly add:           ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly subTerm:       TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly sub:           ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly multTerm:      TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly mult:          ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly divTerm:       TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly div:           ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly quotTerm:      TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly quot:          ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly remainderTerm: TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly remainder:     ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly modTerm:       TermFn<[PInt], PInt>
    readonly mod:           ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermInt

    readonly eqTerm:    TermFn<[PInt], PBool>
    readonly eq:        ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermBool
    readonly ltTerm:    TermFn<[PInt], PBool>
    readonly lt:        ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermBool
    readonly ltEqTerm:  TermFn<[PInt], PBool>
    readonly ltEq:      ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermBool
    readonly gtTerm:    TermFn<[PInt], PBool>
    readonly gt:        ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermBool
    readonly gtEqTerm:  TermFn<[PInt], PBool>
    readonly gtEq:      ( other: Term<PInt> ) => TermBool


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

padd.$( term ).$( other )

adds other to the term is defined on and returns the result


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

psub.$( term ).$( other )

subtracts other to the term is defined on and returns the result


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

pmult.$( term ).$( other )

multiplies other to the term is defined on and returns the result


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

pdiv.$( term ).$( other )

performs integer division using the term is defined on and other as divisor; returns the result rounded towards negative infinity:


pInt( -20 ).div( pInt( -3 ) ) // ==  -7


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

pquot.$( term ).$( other )

performs integer division using the term is defined on and other as divisor; returns the quotient rounded towards zero:


pInt( -20 ).quot( pInt( 3 ) ) // ==  -6


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

prem.$( term ).$( other )

performs integer division using the term is defined on and other as divisor; returns the remainder:


pInt( -20 ).remainder( pInt( 3 ) ) // ==  -2


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns TermInt

equivalent expression:

pmod.$( term ).$( other )

returns the term the method is defined on, in modulo other.


pInt( -20 ).mod( pInt( 3 ) ) // ==  1


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

peqInt.$( term ).$( other )

integer equality


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

plessInt.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is strictly less than other; pBool( false ) otherwise


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

plessEqInt.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is less or equal to other; pBool( false ) otherwise


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

pgreaterInt.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is strictly greater than other; pBool( false ) otherwise


parameter: other type: Term<PInt>

returns: TermBool

equivalent expression:

pgreaterEqInt.$( term ).$( other )

returns pBool( true ) if term is greater or equal to other; pBool( false ) otherwise