
Typescript Types

  • Term is a Typescript type defined in plu-ts.
  • Every value in plu-ts is a Term. In Typescript, we say each value extends Term (in the same way that "Dog" extends "Mammal").
  • A Term also keeps track of the type of the value it holds.

The possible types a Term can keep track of are defined in PTypes, and listed here:

  • PUnit a unique value that has no real meaning; you can see it as plu-ts version of undefined or null in Typescript
  • PInt a signed integer that can be as big as you want
  • PBool a boolean value
  • PByteString equivalent of a Buffer or a Uint8Array
  • PString equivalent of the Typescript string
  • PData equivalent of the object type in Typescript (it is the low level representation of PStructs that we'll cover in a moment, so you usually won't use PData)
  • PList<PType> equivalent of an Array in Typescript; note that all the elements in the list must be of the same PType
  • PPair<PType1, PType2> equivalent of a Typescript tuple ([ type1 , type2 ])
  • PDelayed<PType> a delayed computation that returns a value of type PType; the computation can be run by passing the delayed value to the pforce function
  • PLam<PInput, POutput> a function that takes one single argument of type PInput and returns something of type POutput
  • PFn<[ PInput_0 , ...PType[] ],POutput> a function that takes multiple arguments (at least one) and returns something of type POutput
  • PAlias<PType> just an alias of the provided type; it behaves exactly like the Types of its argument, so PAlias<PInt> is equivalent to a PInt. This is useful for keeping track of a different meaning the type might have.
  • PStruct<{...}> an abstraction over PData, useful to construct more complex data structures.

plu-ts Types

plu-ts would not be a strongly typed language if limited to Typescript types, because the types of Typescript are only useful during compilation to javascript; and then everything is untyped!

Important Note:

Typescript can be compiled to Javascript. When this happens, the resulting Javascript is untyped!


For this reason plu-ts implements its own type through some constants and functions can be imported.

In the same order of above, the plu-ts equivalents are:

  • PUnit -> unit
  • PInt -> int
  • PBool -> bool
  • PByteString -> bs
  • PString -> str
  • PData -> data
  • PList -> list( type )
  • PPair -> pair( type1, type2 )
  • PDelayed -> delayed( type )
  • PLam -> lam( from, to )
  • PFn -> fn([ ...inputs ], output )
  • aliases types and structs types will be retreived by the type static property of the classes (explained in the dedicated section for aliases and structs)